Rainbow flurite, evil eye key chain
Rainbow flurite, evil eye key chain
Price is per 1 piece.
Weight approx 10 - 12gms
Please note that each stone is unique & one of a kind; there will be slight variations with each stone. All crystals are cleansed with sage.
Rainbow Fluorite stabilizes, brings clarity and resolve to mind, heals emotions and lays open the foundation for balanced living in the physical, spiritual and higher dimensions of Light. Clear Fluorite is believed to create a bridge between our physical and spiritual reality
Evil Eye
The evil eye, known as “mati” (μάτι) in Greek culture, is a curse thought to be given by a malicious glare that can cause bad luck or loss. You may have heard someone giving you the "evil eye" from across the room - and many people around the world believe this to be more then just a saying.
People can knowingly wish negative thoughts on you, but the power of the eye is that some people unknowingly and innocently cast the curse on others. That's why it's important to wear an evil eye somewhere on your body to ward off this curse and protect yourself throughout the day.